We are a solid, 100% Mexican company, leader in mitigation of computer security risks, with 20 years of experience in cybersecurity, we seek the protection and integrity of information, systems and operations, reducing the real and virtual risks that exist today in day and that have been increasing over time, considering: programs that are installed without our consent, viruses, spam, external denial of service attacks, accidental deletion, natural incidents such as earthquakes, fires, thefts, hurricanes, etc.
All of these generate a direct affectation by compromising the security and well-being of the systems, as well as accessibility, data and the diversion of the flow of information, causing practically incalculable economic losses.
We offer personalized services, totally focused on Information Security and its continuity.
PowerSelf® was born in 2013, by identifying the importance of meeting IT needs that most companies had in terms of deficiencies, unaffordable investments in technological equipment and not being able to count on reliable, accessible, secure and robust computer systems, which only the big corporate and banking sectors could count on them. For this, it defined a suite of comprehensive business services which provided solutions by providing state-of-the-art technology, security and data protection, simplifying the administration and operation of IT resources. In that same year we became a certified Microsoft®® and HP.
Between 2011 and 2012 PowerSelf obtains several certifications among the most notable is from Microsoft® that of Hosted Provider with specialties in Virtualization, Cloud Computing and System Center Solutions Provider. At the same time, the TRACE INC (TRAC Number ID) registration was made for commercial transparency as a AAA company.
During 2013 2014 it carried out a strategic alliance with Dell® to increase its levels of specialization; as well as development with the Microsoft M100® certification about the authenticity of the Software it uses. It began with the ISO 20000 Quality Certification process, an internationally recognized standard in IT service management, which concluded in March 2015.
Ensure that your business never stops before any disaster, loss, damage or failure, through our powerful technological model of provisioning and data protection.
Continue to be a solid, sustainable and extraordinary company to work, developing and integrating innovative technology to empower new clients to reach their full potential, to through a growing infrastructure network, eliminating any type of risk.